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Old Fashioned Tales by Lucas, E. 1868-1938, Bedfor... ISBN: 9781176901834 List Price: $35.75
Report on Prospects of Research in Alexandri by Hogarth, D. G. 1862-1927, B... ISBN: 9781176923447 List Price: $16.75
Teacher's Manual by Leslie, C. E., Jacobs, F. D... ISBN: 9781177039642 List Price: $18.75
Leofric Missal As Used in the Cathedral of Exeter During the Episcopate of Its First Bishop,... by Catholic Church. Liturgy An... ISBN: 9781177698221 List Price: $35.75
Life and Remains of Robert Lee, D D , F R S E : Minister of the Church and parish of Old Gre... by Story, Robert Herbert ISBN: 9781177727785 List Price: $34.75
Vita E le Opere Di F D Guerrazzi V1 : 1804-1835 (1903) by Guastalla, Rosolino ISBN: 9781166875664 List Price: $42.36
Review of the Evidence for the Animal Nature of Eozoon Canadense : Historical and Stratigrap... by Dawson, John William, Adams... ISBN: 9781167133374 List Price: $41.56
Oeuvres Posthumes de F Lamennais : La Divine Comedie (1855) by Lamennais, F., Forgues, E. ... ISBN: 9781165279685 List Price: $31.16
Oeuvres Posthumes de F Lamennais : La Divine Comedie (1855) by Lamennais, F., Forgues, E. ... ISBN: 9781165298815 List Price: $43.16
William Harvey Wells, Sketches of His Life and Character : Memorial Addresses and Proceeding... by Wells, William Harvey, Fisk... ISBN: 9781165473373 List Price: $16.76
William Harvey Wells, Sketches of His Life and Character : Memorial Addresses and Proceeding... by Wells, William Harvey, Fisk... ISBN: 9781165498352 List Price: $28.76
Advances in Dynamic Systems and Stability : Lectures Given at the Symposium in Atlanta, Geor... by Beskos, D. E., Ziegler, F. ISBN: 9783211823682 List Price: $189.00
TI-83 Plus/TI-89 Manual to accompany Stats: Modeling the World by David E. Bock, Paul F. Vell... ISBN: 9780321194060
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Salvage Archaeology in Nimbus and Redbank Reservoir Areas, Central California by Treganza, Adan E., Heizer, ... ISBN: 9781258661328 List Price: $36.95
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F�nfundzwanzig Jahrte by Dü, rr, E. h., D�rr ISBN: 9783845710976 List Price: $40.90
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